
Crispy Fried Tempeh

Tempeh is a fermented soybean cake that is packed with nutrients. Try this Crispy Fried Tempeh recipe if you are looking for an alternative protein snack.

Crispy Fried Tempeh Recipe

Chicken stock can be replaced with vegetable stock/bouillon for a vegetarian option.

Freezes well.

  • 2 tempeh (square) sliced thin
  • 8 red bird's eye chillies (cili padi) chopped
  • 2 sprigs coriander leaves chopped
  • 1 cube chicken stock
  • 1 tbsp garlic paste
  • 1 tbsp coriander powder
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 8 tbsp all-purpose/wheat flour
  • 8 tbsp rice flour
  • 150 ml - 200 ml water
  • salt adjust to taste
  • sugar adjust to taste
  • cooking oil


1. Add all ingredients, except Tempeh and cooking oil, in a mixing bowl. Mix well until it forms a slightly runny batter.

2. Add tempeh and coat them well with the batter.

3. Cover the bowl with a cling wrap and marinate for 30 minutes in the fridge.

4. Heat enough oil in a frying pan. Once the oil is hot, fry tempeh on medium heat until golden brown. Fry in batches.

5. Remove and place fried tempeh on kitchen towels to drain excess oil.

6. Serve hot. Crispy Fried Tempeh is best eaten with Sambal Kicap.

#fivefootfivesg #tempeh #fingerfood

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