
Lontong Sayur Lodeh

Lontong Sayur Lodeh is basically a medley of vegetables cooked in spices and coconut milk. A staple menu for breakfast and during Eid celebrations, this dish is typically eaten with compressed rice cakes (Lontong). Side-dishes such as Serunding Kelapa, Begedil and Sambal Tumis makes the perfect complement to this dish.

Lontong Sayur Lodeh Recipe

(Mixed vegetables in coconut gravy)

This recipe yields between 6 to 10 servings.

  • 3 small firm tofu halved 
  • 1 square Tempeh cut into smaller pieces
  • 200 gm carrots peeled, cut into strips
  • 300 gm cabbage sliced thick 
  • 100 gm long/french beans cut into 2 cm pieces
  • 400 ml coconut milk
  • 600 ml  water
  • 30 gm glass noodle soak in water to soften
  • sugar adjust to taste
  • salt adjust to taste
  • cooking oil

  • 2 red onions (230 gm) peeled
  • 10 dried red chillies soak in hot water for 30 minutes
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 25 gm galangal
  • 2 stalks lemongrass white part only
  • 6 candlenuts
  • 15 gm fresh turmeric
  • 3 tablespoons dried shrimps soak in hot water for 10 minutes
  • 2 teaspoon toasted shrimp paste (belacan)
  • 1/2 cup water


1. Heat some oil in a wok. Fry tofu and Tempeh separately until lightly browned. Remove and set aside.

2. Leave about 1/4 cup of frying oil in the wok. Proceed to add blended ingredients (A) and stir fry on medium heat for about 10 minutes or until oil starts to surface.

3. Mix coconut milk with 600 ml of water. Add mixture into the wok and bring to a gentle simmer, stirring occasionally.

4. Once the gravy has come to a simmer, add all the vegetables and softened glass noodles. Let cook until vegetables are tender.

5. Lastly, add fried tofu and Tempeh, salt and sugar. Adjust seasonings to your preference. Mix well and cook for another 1 minute.

6. Serve Sayur Lodeh with compressed rice cakes (Lontong).

#fivefootfivesg #hariraya #Malaycuisine


  1. I made the Lontong today , i was soo.... good. thank you for the recipe.

  2. Thank you, Shan. So happy to know you've enjoyed the recipe!

  3. My first time making lodeh from scratch and this recipe was wonderful! I did add 400ml more water cos the blended paste was too thick. Love ur recipes!

  4. Hi ..can advise the recipe for the sambal chillies served as condiment ?

  5. Can advise the recipe for the sambar Tumis?

  6. Hi ...just to make is the red onion 230 gm is not too much...?

  7. Hi, Chef. I made your Ayam Masak Merah, it was SUPER 😋😋😋😋.
    My family loved it too.
    Tomorrow I will make this recipe Sayur Lodeh 😋
